Well, our girls pulled off their flower girl responsibilities without a hitch!
Both girls were included in all of the bridal party experiences, so they didn't hesitate to do anything that was asked of them. Whether posing for pictures, scattering rose petals, or even just wearing their dresses, both Jennifer and I were so very proud of our little flower girls!!
We'd like to extend our congratulations to both Becky & Cory, and their families, for a beautiful wedding and an excellent excuse to gather as an extended family!
Rachel and Abby both sat so patiently while they got their hair done for Becky's wedding :-)

Julie applied a little makeup to both Abby and Rachel.

The bridal party, getting ready to roll...

Ready to ride along in the SUV limo with the bridal party.

Picking up some of the rose petals as souvenirs of their flower girl experience.

The kids look great and overall it looks like it was a nice wedding.
A limo SUV! I remember at my wedding one of the aunts refused a ride home because of all the dog hair in the back of our car.
And when is Perry going to set up his blog all about building a home by himself? That's the sort of thing that's sure to make the paper, make the house famous, and make for a bigger sale!
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