After our uneventful flights yesterday, we arrived safely on Vancouver Island. We were greeted by MJ & Dave, and the duMonceaux family at the airport, then we were whisked away to their place in Sidney. We had a late dinner (yummy steaks with all the trimmings), then visited for a little while before calling it a night.
This morning, the girls were up at the crack of dawn and decided that no-one should be sleeping anymore if the sun was coming up. I had breakfast with them just before 6:00, then we walked out the kitchen door to do some beachcombing. Both of the girls were enjoying hopping from one rock to the next, but Abby was a little freaked out when she discovered that there were little crabs living beneath the rocks. She decided she didn't want anything crawling into her shoes :-)
We walked along the waterfront for a few minutes, and came upon the Sidney Pier within 10 minutes. After picking up some information about kayak rentals, the Sidney Spit ferry and some whale-watching tours, we made our way back to the house for breakfast number two just as everybody else was beginning their day :-)
Time for a nap,
One advantage to waking up at 5:45 a.m. is catching the colourful sunrises :-)

A few of the Gulf Islands at dawn...

The girls are searching for more sea anemones to poke with their fingers...

Found some ;-)

Flipping rocks on the beach uncovers some hidden treasures...

Rachel is holding one of the little crabs that she discovered :-)

Can you eat anything you find out by the water? That would be one more reason for me to move out there.
The first few years that my parents lived out here, I used to set a crab trap out in the water and catch my limit of red rock crabs. I also caught the odd dungeness crab, and both types were delicious for cooking and eating. You can also find sea cucumbers and sea urchins all over the place. I've never eaten the ones I've harvested, but I do enjoy eating both in sushi restaurants :-)
I wouldn't eat the oysters or clams that can be found along the shoreline, as the shellfish in this region of Vancouver Island are occasionally affected by the 'red tides'. Google it ;-}
I'm the jd of the jd+hj
And I looked up "red tides" and learned a cool new word: bivalves. Somehow it sounds even dirtier than red tides.
Sorry for the assumption. Never in a million years did I think you'd be asking a question about eating seafood :-)
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